In the health classroom, I utilize various teaching strategies to encourage success for all students. I utilize project-based learning which allows students to take ownership of their work and demonstrate knowledge of health concepts that they enjoy. Students are able to dive deeper into topics that they are more interested in. Interactive lessons are used by a multitude of online platforms like Peardeck and Nearpod that allow students to connect and explore content on their own devices, these interactive lessons also provide time for me to check for students understanding immediately. Collaborative structures are used daily to encourage student discourse with content. The jigsaw strategy is used so students can become experts on a health topic and then teach their peers the important pieces of information they became experts on. I also am am advocate for movement in the classroom as well as mindful minutes. I provide structured opportunities to move around the classroom and engage with peers as well as other opportunities like the mindful minute to practice mindfulness as well as teach them a variety of skills they can put in their toolbox to utilize outside of our classroom.